Friday 3 May 2013

Every Day in May: Day 3 - 'Joy'

Theme for today is 'Draw something that represents Joy'. Joy for me had to be something related to the baby so I drew his first bunny. It was the first thing bought for him really early on way before you're supposed to start buying baby stuff. I think it was even before I'd had the scan. But I saw this lonely bunny on a shelf in a shop and he had a torn foot. It made me cry and so my mum went back to the shop and bought him and sewed his little foot up.
He is sleeping in the bottom drawer waiting for the baby to arrive so he can be his little best friend and snuggle up to him. 
Equipment: I wasn't too sure how to get across his fluffiness but I went with sketching him really loosely and lightly in pencil and then sploshing on some watercolours. He is a bit more cream than the yellowy colour I've used but I was trying to get the highlights and shadows on his fluff. Funnily enough, as I was putting the colour on his face, I realised that it felt like I was doing some practice for portraiture class so I may have inadvertently got over my fear of colouring in faces! 
He is a little bit fuzzy in places as the Seawhite A6 sketchbook, although good at handling water for a travel journal, isn't technically a watercolour sketchbook so he's a little bit cockled! 
Bearing in mind that he was bought with a tear in his foot, I like that he looks a little bit disheveled, it suits him. 


  1. Oh, this story of the bunny just about brought a tear to my own eye. I remember very well waiting for baby to arrive and it brought back all those feelings. How lucky this baby is to have all these beautiful drawings you are doing while waiting for him to arrive :)

    1. Oh that's sweet, thank you. I packed him into my hospital bag last night which also made me pretty emotional. I'm also packing a sketchbook and some pens of course! :) x

  2. I like your bunny very much! Those humongous ears make me so happy! My little sister's first baby is about 7 months old now, and she was the same way...I had many requests for baby related items as soon as she told me she thought she was pregnant! She had a little boy, so it's a good thing I held off on sewing all the cute little dresses she asked me to make in the beginning! :)

    1. Oh, so you are an aunty! Yes, his ears are so massive and cute. I like that they are purple. My mum knitted some boots for the baby in purple too. I found out at the scan that I am having a boy, which is funny because I was so sure in the beginning it would be a girl. My diary is full of references to 'she'!
