Thursday 16 May 2013

Every Day in May: Day 16 - 'Scary Thing'

I wracked my brain to think of 'something that scares me' to draw. I've been so amazed by how fearless I am these days. Even when the cat was missing last week and I was really worried about him, I still held out genuine hope that he would return. I've overcome my fear of blood tests for a start, and that really used to get me in a real state! I have also lost a lot of sleep during my pregnancy worrying about the baby's future, and I was nervous wreck in the days leading up to the scans. But since the first day I knew I was pregnant I have been made more and more aware that his future is all set out and he has a long and happy life ahead of him. However, I am human and I do still get instinctive nervous about things, like today at the midwife appointment when it seemed to be taking an age to find the heartbeat.  So when I got back home I had some lunch and a nap - obviously I needed a nap after walking to the surgery at the end of the road and back and sweeping the floor - and then I did this sketch. I was pleased that the EDiM theme had prompted me to record a midwife trip into my sketchbook.


  1. What a precious drawing! I wish I had done sketches like this through my pregnancies...

    1. Thank you. I am wondering if I can get the sketchbook filled up before he arrives!
