Saturday 18 May 2013

Every Day in May: Day 17 'First Aid'

It feels like I've had so many ailments over the last few months, particularly in this final month, that a 'First Aid' theme was a good prompt for something to put in this pregnancy sketchbook! I don't usually like to take medicines and I didn't really want to be ploughing them into the baby but I've been so uncomfortable that the ones that are 'baby safe' have been a real relief.

The Peptic Liquid I get through a bottle a fortnight! I had some really horrible pain between my shoulder blades which I initially took for backache but it turned out it was heartburn. Yes, heartburn in your back!?! Paracetamols were my remedy (before I discovered swimming) in the first trimester when the increased production of Relaxin in my body gave me excruciating pain in my hip that meant I couldn't sit down properly and had to change position every five minutes. And the Witch Hazel (which smells like neat vodka) is helping with some strange rash that has come up on my legs).

I really liked this as a simple line drawing and wasn't sure whether to put any colour on as I felt it might spoil it. I think the colour has in fact spoilt it a bit. The plainness of the black and white line drawing made it look fittingly clinical. I should've scanned it before adding the colour!

Also, I am reminded that my back was really aching by the time I was nearing the end of this drawing as the final bit I did, the Witch Hazel font, looks really wonky!
Equipment:  Pitt pen 'S', W&N watercolours, W&N ink in Plum for the magenta circle on the bottle on the left.


  1. Well, I didn't see it before the coloring, but I DO like it with the colors...medicine has never looked so pretty! I love that you called them pregnancy heroes...that made me laugh. :)

    1. Thank you. Yes, they have come to my rescue frequently.
