Saturday 11 May 2013

Every Day in May: Day 11 - 'Gloves'

Yes, I missed Day 10. The theme was 'creepy' and I didn't want to draw anything creepy in the sketchbook as it is for the baby and I don't want to freak him out. So here is Day 11 'Gloves'. I usually do or at least start or get the idea for my drawing in the morning at the kitchen table and so for this the rubber gloves were an obvious choice as they were right in front of me on the windowsill. I really like the colour yellow at the moment and also, after drawing the hammer the other day, I really wanted to be able to use that 'lemon yellow' watercolour again. And as I wanted a subject matter that would again be relevant for the baby, the gloves were perfect as I spend so much time in them cleaning up trying to keep our home nice ready for his arrival! Plus, the smell of them I find quite addictive due to my oddball pregnancy industrial smell obsession!
I really really like how this turned out and I really enjoyed creating it. It feels harmonious...a continuous line with a Pitt pen and straightforward lemon yellow and Paynes Grey with no faffing around mixing colours are to me functional and no nonsense, like a pair of rubber gloves. It wouldn't have made sense to me to spend time getting every detail of the gloves right with a pencil and then mixing up the exact shade of yellow.  I don't know if I'm explaining myself well.  People have told me I'm a pragmatic person. Even tutors at college. Maybe that explains it. Or maybe the illustration will speak for itself..!?

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