Tuesday 14 May 2013

Every Day in May: Day 13 - 'Pillow'

I actually ended up doing three drawings on Monday 13th May. This one, the Oldest Thing in the Fridge, and another one of the chaotic fall-out of my nest-making. This pillow I drew in the evening as I had been really busy in the morning with tidying up and dealing with a few boring things and also all the drawing. I was so tired I fell asleep at 2pm and slept through til 5.30pm. So when I woke up, I was so pleased to have had a rest that the pillow I'd been sleeping on seemed a very nice thing to draw!!

This was done in pencil with a little bit of light watercolour on it and was really nice and subtle but at the last minute I added a bit more shading and it's made it look a bit grubby I think. To be honest, my pillows are so often covered in muddy paw prints at the moment, it's probably made it more realistic! My neighbour who I share a garden with - although actually not because according to the deeds the garden is mine - decided he would do some work on the garden. This has resulted in him digging a flaming great hole, producing 2 x 1 tonne bags of soil, and piling up loads of bags of cement and paving slabs all around the garden. He said he had a week off work and would start and finish it within the week. This was two weeks ago. He did about a day and a half on it and that was it. Loxie thinks the great big muddy hole and bags of soil are a playground of course and so I now constantly have a trail of really muddy paw prints all over the flat, across the sofa, across the bed etc. Plus, the bags of soil are under the washing line so I am unable to wash any of my linen. Everything is permanently filthy at a point in time when I am trying to keep the place as clean and tidy as possible! And of course, IF we get a sunny day, there isn't anywhere now to sit out without being hemmed in by dirt and rubble! Although people seem to think I am a confident person, I am really bad at knowing how to approach people about things like this, especially as the neighbour brought me round a massive bag of baby clothes at the weekend. I don't like upsetting the apple cart. Lucky for me though I have a very formidable mother... as much as I will be dying with embarrassment, I know that if there has been no progress with the garden by the time she next comes to visit, she will be knocking on the neighbour's door (while I hide in the background)....

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