Monday 29 April 2013

Trying to get in some portraiture practice before next class

I know that the whole point of going to portraiture class should be to practise in class but I'm not sure whether to spend my 5 weeks on the course doing pencil drawings or attempt to also keep what I produce in class in line with my usual drawing style, or to also try and branch out and use some different materials. I found drawing in pencil a bit strange for me and am concerned that if I spend 5 weeks in class drawing in pencil when I try to sketch someone on a bus with a pen or try to do an illustration I'll just revert to my old habits (i.e. the habit of drawing weird stiff faces!) so I was thinking about using ink or watercolour in the next class. But as I'm new to portraiture I'm not sure how I will get on with the shading on the skin if I do this - I don't want to turn the model into a giraffe! On the other hand, the whole reason I've signed up to this class is to work on my accuracy and understanding of physiognomy, so maybe I should persist with the pencil as you can't rub out a big splodge of Indian ink! So I thought I would practise at home before next class with putting some colour on. But obviously I have to draw a face first. I never usually draw from photos and I'm not keen on working that way as I find I need to see something in it's 3D form to be able to draw it but Loxie isn't human so I went with drawing a lady and her baby from the front of the 'eating for breastfeeding' leaflet the midwife gave me. They looked nice and they are both in profile which is really what I struggle with most in portraiture.

My problem now is that, having spent ages drawing (I kept moving her chin in and out - I seem to always make chins stick out too far), I don't want to colour her in in case I mess up the drawing. So here she is scanned as just a pencil line drawing...
Equipment: B Pencil, Goldline 150gsm cartridge paper.

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