Sunday 21 April 2013

Out and about in Redfield with the Moleskine

Here are a few I've done over the last couple of days. The first was a man at the surgery while I was waiting for the midwife. I almost didn't draw him because the bald spot was putting me off. But he was the only person in the waiting room so I had to just get over it! The next are of people in Tesco Metro while I was waiting to pick up a camera I'd ordered online. It's a shame I don't have more excuses to sit by the checkouts there as you definitely see some interesting people passing through, and they stand relatively still! I then went to the park briefly. I'd intended to draw a couple more people there but no-one was nearby. Then this dog came and stood in front of me, expectantly. I'm sorry I've called him 'Stupid Dog' I'm sure he's not. He just had a funny look on his face and was kind of knock-kneed with big fluffy paws that was all making him look quite comical.

These were all done with a pitt pen 'S'. The colours are Promarker and Berol Markers 'fine'. I found a pack of Berol markers in my cupboard I've never really used. Think I acquired them from a school I was working in. It never occurred to me to use them in 'art' but due to the Creative Every Day 'Colour' theme I've put a couple into my carry around pencil case in order to have some new portable spot colours.


  1. I really the way you colorized these. There's something about the limited color use that makes them seem...I don't know the right word, but I'm going to use important... I really like the man with the bald spot! I think it is VERY well done (the bald spot in particular, I mean) and his shirt is great. The woman is tied with him for number one...I love her hair and the roundness of her makes me so happy!

    1. Thank you. I think the woman looks like someone out of a historical film. I could imagine her as a cook in an old house a couple of centuries ago. I've got into a thing now for just carrying 2 or 3 colours with me and changing them every couple of days. It keeps me looking out for different colours when I'm out. It's a fun way of working! x
