Monday 15 April 2013

Adding Colour Where Colour Is Not!

I would never have drawn this as a subject matter but EDM #314 - 'Draw something that has a knob'  prompted me to.  I also never add colours where colours were not in the original scene but the CED theme for this month which is 'colour' has made me think about trying to use some new colours. I  love using spot colours and after sketching the girl in the library with the pink hat, I've got a thing for wanting to add pinky and purpley colours into B&W sketches.  I don't know how to fuse two pages together into one after scanning hence why this is split in two...

Equipment: I started off doing the lines with my dip pen but it does not get along with this sketchbook. It feathered crazily! I usually try to work around unexpected reactions of materials and see it as a happy accident that can be made something of but the paper was also getting all fluffed up in the nib and I didn't want to wreck the poor nib. So I scrapped it. I had a no.1 size brush that I bought for an art class and never used so decided I might be able to do the line work with that. I do have a brush pen but I wanted the sort of irregular lines that a dip pen produces and thought my shaky hand using the brush for the first time might create something similarly interesting. So the black and the grey are Winsor Newton Indian Ink, watered down for the grey. The colour I really love. It is Aliz Crimson and Ultramarine mixed. There is also a tiny bit of some blue or Payne's Grey in the shading but I can't remember. For the scratchy lines I used my 'S' Pitt Pen. It's been a while since I did scratchy lines - I used to do them quite a lot. I think they bring an illustration to life, if a cooker can be brought to life!


  1. Wonderful creative work for CED ~ seems to get us 'thinking outside the box' ~ lovely work.

    1. Thank you. This 'colour' theme for April has been so helpful.
