Sunday 28 April 2013

Super-hatched Cat

I didn't think I had the energy to draw today, but apparently I did! The permanent tiredness of my pregnancy makes me pray for days when I will feel I've been productive and achieved something with the day. Today was definitely a productive day.

I embarked on scouring the disgusting cupboard by my bathroom that I use for housing everything from hairspray to cat litter. I want to put my towels and the baby's bath stuff and nappies in there etc and there was no way it was fit for purpose. I don't think the previous owner of this flat ever cleaned anywhere! So I started washing away the thick literally black cobwebs...and ended up hammering out with a lot of brute force the bottom shelf and rebuilding the upper shelves. This is typical of me. I should've known cleaning would turn into full scale DIY! But it is so much more functional now and is sparkling clean. I obviously then had to deal with the fall out i.e. hoovering all the mess up and finding storage space for all the old pots of paint and sandpaper that were in there (I'm sure I could make art with them so I'm not binning them)!

By the time I'd done all this I was knackered - a reminder that I am in fact 34 weeks pregnant - and guessed today would be a write-off in terms of doing any art. But later I saw Loxie trying to lick the remnants of my dinner off my plate and she was in such a nice pose I grabbed my sketchbook and pen to sketch a 10 second line drawing of her...and that has turned into this hatching extravaganza!
Equipment: Pitt Pen 'S'. I also have just realised that my iffiness in clarity with a lot of things I scan might be to do with the fact that the scanner is by the window and I am always scanning in the daytime and light might be seeping in. I scanned this at night and it looks loads clearer..I think!


  1. Wow, you have more energy than me, and I'm not pregnant! You put me to shame! *sobs violently into crook of her arm* I really like this sketch of Loxie. The cross hatching is very cool (yet another skill I need to work on)! This reminds me of art deco for some I really want this to be a necklace or something...then I'd wear it all the time because it's just so cool!

    Also, you have inspired me to start carrying a sketchbook with me! I have to go get a new book (oh no...more art supplies...hehehe...I love getting art supplies!) because right now I just have a half full landscape format watercolor journal that I can carry with me and it's taking up too much room in my purse (I need that room for snacks...)! I used it once over the weekend, but I realized that I am no good at sketching in public yet...I take way too much time! But I'm going to keep at it, because I love your sketches and I really want to get better!

    1. Haha, it is apparently my desire to build a nest, or more likely that I can't walk to the end of the street now without feeling like I'm going to collapse so am finding all manner of things to do inside the house!

      Thank you. I like the idea of Loxie on a necklace! It was her birthday today so she had lots of treats.

      I'm really glad to hear you're going to get on the carrying the sketchbook thing. When I switched from the A5 to the A6 that was honestly when my daily sketching habit began and when I went from drawing slow to drawing fast. I hope you manage to find a good sketchbook with nice paper that will take whatever you throw at it. My new Seawhite is the business but I don't know whether you have that brand in the US. Although, I always feel like there is a lot better stuff to be bought in the US than in the UK so I'm sure you'll find something great and half the price that I'd pay here! x

  2. I love the smooth line...great sketch!

    1. Thank you. I really enjoyed doing this, especially the face.
