Saturday 2 March 2013

B is for Button (and EDM #328)

So, this was the start of me using the Everyday Matters Challenge List to get ideas of things to draw.  I had half an hour to kill at the Leisure Centre while waiting for the 12 noon lane swimming to start, and as I had a sketchbook and pen with me, I thought I would put the time to good use.  But the only thing I could remember from my quick glance over the list (obviously I wasn't carrying the list with me) was the final item: #328 - 'Draw something that has buttons'.

I didn't want to draw keypad type buttons so I fixed on the one button on my cardigan - it only has one button on it.  I started drawing it but at the first swoop of the pen to get the shape of the button I realised my beloved Pitt Pen is running out!  Also, this was my first time using this sketchbook and I don't like it. It feels spongy!! I persevered but as the pen shuddered and scratched it's emptying self over the lino-like paper it wasn't looking too much like the button, it seemed that a little creature with 4 eyes was appearing on the page instead.  And a little rhyme popped into my head to go with him.  I hatched him with what ink I had left and when I got home added the puddle of ink and the writing.  As his tongue was an afterthought to the rhyme, he could really do with having the lines through it erased but as I've mentioned in a previous post, I'm not really into correcting things. 

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