Wednesday 14 August 2013

Junk Boat 'Illustration'

I'm almost done with this pregnancy sketchbook! To be honest, I can't believe I still haven't used up all the pages in it.  It's a shame I didn't do all the drawings I did during my pregnancy in this book as the illustrations I did on bits of paper were really relevant. And this brings me neatly to my idea for my next sketchbook - a little A6 (technically not quite those dimensions) Moleskine Sketchbook who is sitting on my kitchen table patiently waiting to be dropped into my bag and become my little sidekick and be filled with 'illustrations'.  Yes, illustrations as opposed to observational drawings. I suppose everything I sketch could be classed as an illustration but what I'm talking about is more of the drawings that are more from my head. Scenes, ideas, messages, pages with more thought given to the composition. 

To start me along that route I've filled two of the final pages in the pregnancy sketchbook with this little scene of a Junk Boat sailing off into tropical waters. From as young as I can remember I have been enchanted by the idea of travelling. For me, dreams of travelling have always given me the same feeling as the belief you have in magic when you are a child. The beauty of travel is that when you grow up you can really go to these places. So anyway I drew this little scene for Alexander. It isn't brilliant in terms of the shockingly bad application of my watercolours but I hope that Alexander will find it enticing when he is a little bit older and fancy to imagine himself in this little boat setting off to explore these islands and beyond.


  1. Oh, I really, really, really love this! I love that the ripples are just behind the boat and that the water is calm everywhere else...this image makes me SO happy! I LOVE the way you did the quotation marks...I may have to swipe that idea! :) I really like the way you colored it in too! I love your sketches, you know that, but I can't wait to see more of your illustrations too! I've been a little under the weather, so I haven't gotten to catch up on all your recent posts, but as I get better I am going to try to get to see them all...I just saw this illustration in my blog feed thingy and I had to comment. I think what you have made for Alexander is just so is so plain to see how much you love him, and it makes my heart so happy. He's a very lucky little guy to have such a wonderful momma. <3

    1. Aww, thanks Sweet! I love your comments, you know they really make me want to do more illustrations! I think doing the illustrations is going to work well for me now as these days I have more time for thinking about art and less time for doing art so I have plenty of time to dream up little scenes. Sorry to hear you've not been well. Hope you are on the mend! Thank you so much. I hope when Alexander is older he can have a look at this blog and he will be able to read your lovely comments too! x

    2. Oh, and as to the quotation marks, yes, they are something I have been doing for a while. I have loads of them in an old old old sketchbook from before I was regularly sketching. And that reminds me of something else I have which I might post up that is from ages ago. Watch this space, perhaps...
