Friday 9 August 2013

Birds. Birds, Birds

I seem to have sketched quite a few birds at the park. These all actually came from pages containing other things - people sitting on benches etc. And those were often pages that I didn't really like as I felt like me dip in concentration had meant the drawings on those pages were just hideous! But out of the hideousness some little gems emerged, well I think so. These little birds all moved so fast I was forced to draw at warp speed and so didn't run into the concentration problems I had with things that were more static.


  1. I know what you mean about not being happy with a page when you don't give it your full attention. Happens to me all the time. But these little cropped birds are great! They're like storybook birds, I can seem them being characters in a kids' book!

    1. Thanks Jodi. I would definitely like to do something with these birds. I suppose this is a reminder that something good can always come out of a messy page, which is why I try to never tear a page out of a sketchbook. I actually managed to claw back a couple of the pages by doing something I have never done before..I just got a black marker and coloured in the background and wiped out the bits that really looked horrible. I think it has helped to bring out the good bits!
