Thursday 15 August 2013

Fruity! aka Illustration Friday 'Fresh'

Filling up these missed-out pages in my Pregnancy Sketchbook I had a page free opposite an illustration I had done of a bottle of Lime Original Source back in May.  At the time I had intended to paint some limes and lemons on that page but never got around to it. So, given that I haven't done an Illustration Friday for months and months and that this week's theme is 'Fresh' it seemed like a good idea to finally draw and paint lemons and limes. And, as luck would have it, I have a fruit bowl full of them!

This was done ridiculously quickly while Alexander was still asleep in his pushchair following our walk at the park. A really quick sketch in pencil with some watercolour sploshed over the top. I then had a bit of a brainwave about cropping it square. Don't know where that came from but it reminds me now of a cushion cover!