Wednesday 7 August 2013

Drawing Perfection aka Drawing the Ones You Love

I think it will be many years before I pluck up the courage to attempt to draw or paint my son. He is just so perfect I have this weird fear of drawing him in case I don't do him justice.  I wonder if this is how painters of royalty have felt, especially the ones from centuries ago when a king or queen could chop your head off for treason, not that my little one would chop my head off I'm sure. I have also refused my mum when she asked me to paint her and I've freaked out and declined when friends have done that thing where they say to you 'ooh, can you draw me now?' when you are sitting in the pub.  Its funny. I don't have any nerves about drawing a stranger in portraiture class or on the bus though, and I think my portraits turn out looking pretty true to the sitter. I wonder whether actual portrait artists who take commissions always felt comfortable with the idea of declaring themselves portraiture artists or whether they also had to get over a fear of making their sitter look like Shrek. On another note, my baby wriggles a lot! So I would have to wait til he is asleep, which I guess I have to do anyway in order to have some time for drawing!

But, he is growing so fast and I know I will kick myself one day if I didn't draw him while he was little. So I have drawn his back while he was asleep on his front...yes, I know babies aren't supposed to sleep on their front, but I reckoned that drawing him meant I was keeping a pretty close eye on him!

I really messed up the left arm. Also, I drew this on the back of the Happiness Tree page, ergo Alexander is covered in colourful leaves...

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