Thursday 5 September 2013

Lush - Illustration Friday

It took me quite a while to come up with an idea for how to illustrate 'lush'. Here in the west of England the word 'lush' is so heavily used you could say it is part of the local dialect. It's used in the sense of 'really really gorgeous'. So that felt like a pretty broad scope! Trying to think of something to fit this definition, without drawing something I've already drawn and without drawing Alex who is of course the epitome of lush and in fact the lushest thing in the world but too lush for me to do justice to with my drawing ability, I thought about the fact that we are going on holiday to the seaside this month and that wonderful moment when you first see the sea. I remember when I was little and we would drive to the coast for a holiday and be waiting and waiting for that magical moment when you drive up over a hill and get a first glimpse of the sea. At which point shouting excitedly! 'mummy, I can see the sea!!!' Alex hasn't quite mastered language to that degree yet but this will be his first holiday and I look forward to one day hearing him say that.

Equipment: Pencil and watercolour in Moleskine Sketchbook.  I really like the way the composition of this turned out but I'm not so sure about the colouring in. I would've preferred the effect of using markers but it was on the back of something else in the Moleskine and they would've bled through.  Actually, I think it is the colour of the sea that I have the problem with. I should've scanned this before I coloured it as it looked quite nice just as pencil on the colour of the Moleskine paper.


  1. Hi, Amanda. I want to tell you that your post gave me great joy, you made ​​me remember a vacation, for at least 30 years ago when, with my wife and my two oldest daughters went to sea. we were in our car on a road parallel to the beach but one block above, and at each corner, my daughter Julia (now 33 years) said, "Mom I see the sea"
    thanks for making me remember happy moments!:)

    1. Oh Roberto that gives me great joy also to hear that. What a lovely comment. Looking forward to having a good old look around your blog too!

  2. Definitely lush! I didn't sea the ocean until I was 15 years old, and the first time I saw it was also the first time my mom saw it too! So if you can imagine an almost 50 year old (and usually very demure and meek) woman shouting to the top of her lungs "LOOK! You can see it! You can see it in between the houses!", you can imagine what that day was like. I'll never forget that as long as I live...because I was excited, but I've never seen my mom more excited and more enthralled with something than she was that day.

    Beautiful drawing (as always!) and I love that the quotation marks are fish!

    1. Gosh, it takes me so long to get around to replying to people these days. Sorry. I can't believe you didn't see the ocean until you were 15! That literally blows my mind! I suppose that is the difference between living on a relatively small island versus living in a gigantor country. When I was in the US I was knocked out by how long it takes to get anywhere. That's a great story. Thanks for the comment about the quotation marks, once you get going with novelty quotation marks the possibilities are limitless :)
