Monday 23 September 2013

Little Creatures Collection

The mummy and baby birds I drew for the 'Together' illustration were a bit of a follow on from some little creatures I scribbled in the Moleskine a couple of weeks ago.  Here is the whole collection... note that the thing that looks like a spider was actually going to be an octopus but I couldn't really recall what an octopus looked like. I later realised that he needed curly legs and also all the legs should've been coming from the bottom of him with a bulbous head. Oh well I will know for next time...

Equipment: Cheapo pencil and Promarker

IF Together

Some Illustration Friday themes are easier to come up with an idea for than others. Last week's 'Totem' I couldn't deal with.  But this one was easy. Alexander has been going through this '4 month sleep regression' thing, basically carrying on like a newborn waking constantly through the night and feeding every 60-90 minutes throughout the day also. This weekend he finally seemed to be coming through the other side of it and what with the oncoming autumnal weather we just snuggled up together in bed and got loads and loads of sleep and only left home really late in the day for our stroll around the park. He also has got his first cold so the poor little thing has been super snuffly and having trouble breathing because he is so congested. So more snuggling up has been required.

While he was snoozing in his pram taking in some fresh park air I remembered this week's IF theme 'Together' and it made me think of a little baby bird reliant on its mummy bird keeping it safe and protected against the world in their little nest just like my little baby boy and I.

I have to tell you also that staring at the word 'birds' while I've been scanning and saving and selecting this pair has resulted in me listening repeatedly to 'Plateau' by Nirvana... 'nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop and an illustrated book about biiiiirrrrrrrds...'

Friday 13 September 2013

Looks like Autumn is here!

Man, I was at the end of my tether today. Alexander hasn't been sleeping well for about 10 days now and also not managing to sleep in his pushchair which is usually how I can reliably get a little bit of a break getting him to sleep so I can sit in the park for a couple of hours. We both have an accumulation of tiredness, overtiredness! Today I was pushing him along in that pushchair and he was crying and I was using up every little bit of my energy reserves. In the end I sat on a bench and cried. And then I pushed him some more and finally, finally he conked out.

By this time I'd made it around to a part of the park I really love, in fact it is the best part, a great long avenue of trees. But I've never sat down there. Today I collapsed there on the nearest bench. I attempted to read my book but had a headache, then I noticed that all around me were fallen leaves and I noticed how lovely the browny-orange colour of them looked against the path which is black. I've been teaching Alex lately about Autumn and what will be happening to the trees (obviously not today!) and so I've been wanting to do an autumnal drawing. But over on the other side of the park it is still more summery, which sounds strange now I say it, a bit Narnia-esque. These leaves just looked so nice against their black background so, of course, I drew them. How fortuitous that Alexander howled on the sunny side of the park, and how thankful am I that I had the trusty Moleskine with me! A friend of mine who is pretty fed up at the moment was saying to me this morning that she thinks she needs to get a hobby. I am so grateful that I draw. I am sure it has saved my sanity on many an occasion!
Equipment: Pencil and Watercolour (Sennelier Artist Grade Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna and a yellow - can't remember which and W&N Student Grade Lamp Black) on Moleskine Sketchbook. I applied the paint pretty dry as it didn't seem quite right to paint something as dry as a dead leaf in a watery way. Also, I like the way the waxy Moleskine takes the watercolours when they are quite dry.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Red Ant Black Ant

I was in the park the other day and I saw a red ant approach my blanket. 'I don't want you hanging around and stinging me' I thought and I shooed him away. Then I saw a little black ant walk up to the red ant and then they went their separate ways. I'm not sure whether red ants and black ants get on. Do they associate? Do they live alongside each other in harmony? An insectologist would know the answer to this, in fact a quick Google would probably give me an answer but I preferred to do a little illustration to pose this insecty question...
Equipment: pencil, watercolours in Ivory Black and Aliz Crimson.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Lush - Illustration Friday

It took me quite a while to come up with an idea for how to illustrate 'lush'. Here in the west of England the word 'lush' is so heavily used you could say it is part of the local dialect. It's used in the sense of 'really really gorgeous'. So that felt like a pretty broad scope! Trying to think of something to fit this definition, without drawing something I've already drawn and without drawing Alex who is of course the epitome of lush and in fact the lushest thing in the world but too lush for me to do justice to with my drawing ability, I thought about the fact that we are going on holiday to the seaside this month and that wonderful moment when you first see the sea. I remember when I was little and we would drive to the coast for a holiday and be waiting and waiting for that magical moment when you drive up over a hill and get a first glimpse of the sea. At which point shouting excitedly! 'mummy, I can see the sea!!!' Alex hasn't quite mastered language to that degree yet but this will be his first holiday and I look forward to one day hearing him say that.

Equipment: Pencil and watercolour in Moleskine Sketchbook.  I really like the way the composition of this turned out but I'm not so sure about the colouring in. I would've preferred the effect of using markers but it was on the back of something else in the Moleskine and they would've bled through.  Actually, I think it is the colour of the sea that I have the problem with. I should've scanned this before I coloured it as it looked quite nice just as pencil on the colour of the Moleskine paper.