Wednesday 19 February 2014

Top Banana, Alexander!

I had that feeling, the one where you absolutely, really, totally HAVE to paint! I wanted to paint in acrylics. In my head I paint in acrylics a lot. It's been going on a while now, ever since I painted The Blue Man, which was May 2013, the last time I actually painted in acrylics! I paint all sorts of things, in my head, flowers, portraits, abstract bird filled plains. I paint with brushes, I paint with a palette knife, in lots of lovely colour combinations. Then Alexander wakes up after being asleep for about 10 minutes and I think, just as well I haven't just mixed up those lovely colours or they'd all be about to dry out/get pawed by Loxie now! Yesterday morning though, Alexander had been asleep for 5 minutes and I couldn't resist any longer and decided I'm going to take a chance on starting a painting and who knows maybe I will get to finish it. I'll just do it in the Moleskine, just do a little sketch, small enough that I can paint it quickly before Alexander wakes up. I ran to the kitchen pencil and Moleskine in hand and sketched the three bananas on the table. Then he woke up!

But, today I finished, but hey, at least it wasn't Promarkers, I did get the enjoyment of using a brush! And I think it turned out pretty nice. I actually painted it while we were eating our breakfast and Alexander and I chatted away while I was painting. Maybe I underestimated this kid's patience after all?

I must confess that banana number 3 wasn't painted from observation because, on realising that we were out of bread and pancake equipment because I failed to go shopping yesterday, I fed it to Alexander. He ate my still life while I painted the memory of it. Anyway, here they are, bananas, one of which is in baby Alexander's tummy.
Equipment: WATERCOLOUR! (and pencil) on Moleskine Sketchbook


  1. I usually hate bananas (I have a weird thing with food textures...and bananas...yuck!)...BUT...I love your bananas!!! Especially the one closest to the right, and where they connect together is just spot on!

    I like to use watercolors (although I've been using acrylics yesterday and today like a maniac!) because they are quick and (most importantly to me) forgiving! When I was beginning, they were the first thing I felt comfortable with...they are special to me! ...but your use of them is AMAZING!!! Secretly, I want to be Amanda when I grow up! <3<3<3

    1. Thank you Sweet. I have to admit, I also wasn't much of a fan of bananas in the past but I have got into a habit of making banana pancakes for Alexander's breakfast which he adores. That's so funny that you you want to be Amanda when you grow up because I actually want to live in the US when I grow up so maybe we could just combine the two!? xx

  2. I love this! Well done, you did a great job here. Love your work with the watercolour. Acrylic is my first love but I do love watercolour in the sketchbook. Nice and quick to dry and a little more unpredictable - for me, anyway! I know what you mean about not knowing whether to start something during nap time! Now I'm at the other end, the naps are phasing out...which is almost worse ;)

    1. Thank you Jodi. It's so odd because this was one of those times when I thought it would turn out rubbish, what with Alexander having his beady eye on me, but it turned out well. I am coming to the end of this sketchbook and although I have lots of other half finished ones I ought to use up I really don't want to part with the Moleskine as I like the way the watercolour sits on the paper. I like the waxy texture. I've even been wondering whether it is possible to buy sheets of the Moleskine 'sketchbook' paper.

      I just sent you an email that waffled on all about napping and sleeping. I think the only solution is to, like now, get up ridiculously early in the morning. Hey, at least the light is best! xx
