Wednesday 30 October 2013

Baby Update

Thought it was about time I posted an update on Alexander aka my inspiration. So here he is. Snug in his new hat ready for winter...


  1. Oh my, could he be any more adorable!? Those eyes, those cheeks. Squeeeeeze!

  2. Ack! I can't believe I missed this post! He's such a little cutie! His eyes! Oh, I love his big bright eyes!!! And he's so handsome in his hat! I am a little jealous that he appears to not mind nephew REFUSES to wear a hat...if you try to sneak one on him when he's asleep, he immediately wakes up and takes it off! ...this is frustrating for me, because I love to crochet and have made him several hats...which have become hats for stuffed animals...he likes to put the hats on them...and gets mad if you take the hats off the stuffed animals...which is a little bit ironic... (I think it is the baby's conspiracy against me...haha).

    1. Haha, tbh it is the only hat that manages to stay on him. He had loads of hats in the summer and he wriggled himself out of all of them in literally seconds!
