Sunday 13 July 2014

Now We Are One

Hello. It's been a little while. We went on holiday for 2 weeks last month to Menorca, Alex's first trip abroad. He turned one last month so it was about time he went on a plane and we even managed to go in the cockpit on both the flights! But don't tell anyone or the captain will get fired! Alex was surprisingly good at hanging out by the pool and I managed to sketch some people. Here they are:

The unexpected bonus of the holiday is that since we got back Alex has started sleeping all night! The only thing disturbing him now really is me (we only have the one bedroom). I've had a cough and it woke me up at 3.30 this morning and I haven't been able to get back to sleep so I feel a bit like this:
I've got a sketchbook full of compositions and ideas for free-motion animals and birds I plan to do - I've taken to making bits of art work for Alex's friends, along the lines of the bee I made for Alex's birthday but my own design. The only thing holding me back now is not having anywhere to work. Now he is one Alex is so good at entertaining himself so my problem now is that the only table I have is the kitchen table which is only really good if I want to add some squashed cherries to my work! So I intend to drag my tired self to IKEA today to finally FINALLY buy a desk and set up this art area in our very underused lounge that I've been talking about for so long that seriously I've even bored myself of the subject!!


  1. Nice drawings....holidays are always inspirational aren't they?!!?

    1. Thank you Sally. I drew so many more sketches in my head than in my sketchbook because my son kept grabbing the pens from me :)

  2. I'm so happy to get to read your post!!!!!!!! (Not enough exclamation points to describe how happy!) I hope you had good luck at Ikea! :) Congratulations on Alexander sleeping through the night! But sorry that you are having the coughing fits...I hope you will get some relief soon, so that Alexander AND Mommy can BOTH sleep through the night! On the positive side, I really like your dark made dark circles look very pleasant! I really like the ladies in green, especially the one one the left in the back, her pose is very cool!!! So glad for the update! <3<3<3 :)

    1. Thank you so much. It's good to be back! The dark circles were actually the result of being on the reverse of a page where I drew 2 lemons (I don't know why I always seem to have to draw citrus fruit if it's in front of me!). Anyway, I did a shadow under each lemon in Promarker which came through the page and when I turned it over one day I thought 'oh that looks like my dark circles' and so I drew the eyes and eyebrows on. I really like how it turned out too. It reminded me of those ink drawings from fashion illustration.I only wish my lashes looked like that in real life - Alexander's do. As for the ladies in green, they caught my eye because they were a couple of middle aged ladies under a parasol by the pool and they looked like they should be from the 1920's in an Agatha Christie novel/film. A couple of old sleuths travelling along the Nile. x

  3. And just for the record, I'm very jealous of Alexander, because I am 31 and have never been out of the country, or on an airplane at all! It's so cool that you all get to have those experiences together! :D

    1. Haha, yes I'm trying to start him young. I always say that if I lived in the US I'd never leave to go on holiday because there's so much to see there. It blows my mind that you have whole states that are bigger than England. When I was in the US on the Greyhound buses I couldn't believe how long you could be on a bus for and still not have even left the state. I was like 'Wow, if this was England we'd have driven into the sea by now'. Just for the record, if you make it out of the US I hope my house will be your first port of call! x
