Monday 30 December 2013

Sketching something in the style of free-motion in absence of time to actually do free-motion!

Yes, I'm still alive. Not a lot of sketching going on lately and even less so with the atrocious sleeping habits of a 6 month old spending the holidays at his Grandma's. I'd heard this can happen to babies when they are away from home but it really is quite the test! 'Baby's First Christmas' is mostly trying to keep him from crawling into an open fire/pull the guard down, a lot of screaming at alien cot/highchair, and being woken every hour throughout the night. 

I was bought a sewing machine for Christmas as I've had a bee in my bonnet about wanting to do free-motion sewing i.e. drawing with a sewing machine. But I am pretty sure I'm not even going to have time to take it out of the box for 5 years until Alexander starts school - yeah, those pre-birth notions about home-schooling are dwindling faster than you can say 'mummy's just going to put you down here while she...' 'Waaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh'. Fortunately I also got something else I've wanted for a very long time, a sketchbook with squarey-paper. It's actually a notebook but it is fine for using with the V Pen I also got. So, I've managed to keep Alexander happy playing with my phone long enough to draw 'in the style of free-motion'. I don't get to do my nails these days and would never usually put glitter on my nails but, being at Grandma's I have fallen under her influence and bought this Barry M glitter varnish which I put over Rimmel teal varnish while Grandma held onto Alexander. 

I hope everyone had a good Christmas. We had a real Christmas miracle...Alexander's Daddy finally came to see him! I'm actually wondering now if it was all in my imagination. Also, we have sold our flat! It went on the market on a Wednesday and was sold for the full asking price by the Friday. So the new year should see some big changes for us. I am sure I won't blog again before 2013 is out so I hope all a y'all wherever you are end 2013 with good thoughts of the past year and lots to look forward to for 2014.


  1. I love the 'style of freemotion' drawing! I might have to try that... I love that you made your words be freemotion always have such smart ways of documenting things! (I'm thinking of your differently shaped quotation marks, which make me happier than happy!)

    Also, before I forget, I left a big reply to your comment on my blog (I don't know if you get notified or not), but basically it says I don't think you'll forget all the good art things you've learned...and that when Alexander gets a little older, I bet he will love art too (because of all the art you did while pregnant, there's NO WAY a little of that love didn't get included in him!)...and I also fussed at you for saying you didn't know if your art could be called art...which is just ridiculous, because your art is ART!!! with capital A-R-T! <3

    I am not a glitter girl either, but I do have to say, I really like the color ( make me sigh with happiness) and sparkly of your polish.

    Congratulations on selling your flat! (That's huge!!!) Where will you live now? Egads, that's exiting! Moving is one of my favorite things to do (I've moved a lot in my life)...I think that if past lives are a real thing, I must have been some sort of nomadic herds-woman in at least one of them... So, if you need some help packing (I'm VERY good at packing), let me know, and I'll be on the first flight out! :)

    1. No, I don't get notified. I don't know how. I'm hopeless at these things! Thanks for the comment. The sewing machine is still in its box of course. Yep, the flat is sold so now we will try and find a 2 bedroom place for Alexander's bedroom... i.e. he will end up staying in my room while I set up easel and sewing machine in 2nd bedroom and put a lock on it...perhaps. You are totally welcome to donate your packing skills. I loathe it. I spent years having the motto that everything I owned fit into one backpack but now I have Alexander and the cat even a weekend at Grandma's involves a big car squashed to the brim with all manner of stuff. x

  2. Also, I forgot to say, I LOVE the banner! (You will have to teach me your technologically advanced ways!) and that teal vase+peony drawing makes me squeal with delight every time I see it! Majorly swoon-worthy! <3

    1. Thanks Sweet. I've left a comment on your blog now with how I did it. I think I'm going to go and buy some teal acrylic and dream about using it. x
