Sunday 16 June 2013

My Finest Creation!

Here he is, my masterpiece! By far and away the best thing I have created. He is a blessing to me and I am so in love with him, even if he doesn't let him mummy get much sleep!  Alexander Teddy was born on Friday 7th June 2013 at 14.44, weighing 6lbs 13 3/4ozs. I was in labour for 36 hours in total, but it was all worth it when I felt his warmth against me. 
These are just phone pictures but have come out pretty well. I have been trying to take one photo of him a day so that over his first year I will have a photo diary of him. I would like to sketch him of course but heaven knows my drawing skills wouldn't do justice to how beautiful he I definitely don't have time for drawing at the moment!


  1. What a proud mother you are. And he is a gorgeous boy. Lots of hair already, too. Congrats.

  2. congrats and i know what you mean regarding it's worth it! my boy is 3 months old now and just a look makes every trouble melts away. lour little ones are so precious. enjoy your moments together!

  3. Congratulations. You both are beautiful. Love and blessings to you.

  4. Congratulations!!!! What a handsome little guy! I'm so happy for you!

  5. Congratulations, what wonderful news! He is absolutely adorable and that photo of you and him is so gorgeous. Hope you are getting some sleep...the drawing will come back in time ;) Congrats again xo

  6. Hi again :) Thank you for your comment on my 'Art and Motherhood' post. I was just poking around here looking for an email so I could respond to you properly but I can't seem to find one. My email is artbywiley[at] - if you'd like to send me yours?

  7. Thank you ever so much everyone. I am so in love with him. He is laying here next to me wrapped in the blanket I knitted so badly. Seeing him in it I don't notice all the holes and dropped stitches at all :)

    I have been doing the odd bit of drawing when we stroll to the park but the sketches are atrocious! I think it is because I always have one eye on Alexander and I try to draw but my mind isn't really on the sketch. Every time I go out with him I am just oblivious to my surroundings. Like leaving my purse on the floor by the sugar jars in the homewares section at Asda! I never used to do things like that before I had a baby but I'm just so focussed on him. I wish there was an art class that you could take your baby to. That would be perfect. Lots of love and I may post the terrible sketches if I get a spare 5 minutes... xxx
