Sunday 16 June 2013

My Finest Creation!

Here he is, my masterpiece! By far and away the best thing I have created. He is a blessing to me and I am so in love with him, even if he doesn't let him mummy get much sleep!  Alexander Teddy was born on Friday 7th June 2013 at 14.44, weighing 6lbs 13 3/4ozs. I was in labour for 36 hours in total, but it was all worth it when I felt his warmth against me. 
These are just phone pictures but have come out pretty well. I have been trying to take one photo of him a day so that over his first year I will have a photo diary of him. I would like to sketch him of course but heaven knows my drawing skills wouldn't do justice to how beautiful he I definitely don't have time for drawing at the moment!