Saturday 11 January 2014

In the Pines, In the Pines

We've been away on holiday for the week at Center Parcs (courtesy of Grandma, thank you, Grandma) - a week of pretending to be in another country without actually leaving the country.  I was completely in love with the 'cabin' we stayed in. Not a cabin at all but to my mind the perfect house, open plan living area, lots of glass i.e. glass walls, totally minimal i.e. babyproof! Alexander loved the expanse of floor and lack of doorways allowing him to go crazy in his walker car and to crawl all over the place. It is right in the middle of a forest so I was able to delude myself that I was back in Austria...until you get inside the 'Plaza' at which point you can delude yourself that you are somewhere tropical, although it is a bit of a shock to the system if you accidentally leave the safety of the dome in your wet swimming costume and shorts (cue: me).

Anyway, Alexander had some really good snoozes I think as the result of all that time in the 'lazy river' and I was able to take advantage of the big wall of glass and draw nature in January without getting cold.

I really dislike that I used green for the background but I didn't have anything else and leaving it white looked odd too
Surely the perfect home for an artist. Wall of glass!

Alexander driving his car on the patio
I really like how the colour came through the back of the page
Close Up
Colour block leaves - not finished as Alexander woke up!

Real palm, artificial sunshine
Equipment: A6 Moleskine, Faber Castell Pitt Pen 'S', Promakers 'Vanilla', 'Cool Grey 1', 'Moss' and 'Lime Green', Cheapo retractable pencil.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Tealy, Tealy Badgers

I sketched this about a month ago after encountering one of the Anti-Cull demonstrations in the city. The Government have, despite much petitioning and support from famous names including Brian May of Queen, introduced a badger cull. Here is my drawing of badgers. Look at them. I'm sure there are other creatures doing far more damage to this country/World than badgers that aren't getting culled for it. Just sayin' *cough*humans*cough*corporations*cough*politicians*.

Equipment: A6 Moleskine sketchbook, Cheapo Papermate pencil, Promarker in 'Marine'.